I do not respect any religion
I respect humans
Religion is a misconception
And crimes are committed
Through religion against humanity
All religious humans should
Be stark naked in public
The Pope should be naked to show us
The image that God have created him in
I do not respect any law and order
I respect humans
Law and order is not necessary
If you respect humans
And behave yourself decent
Don’t commit any crimes
You can make as many laws as you want
I do not respect any of them
It is a mirror of all of your fears
I do not respect democracy
I respect humans
Democracy is a lie and an illusion
Build upon the stupid idea
That all men are born equal
But you do not need democracy
If you respect all living creatures
Democracy is a game to make you feel vise
A service organ and a weapon in the hands
For those who is committed to power
I do not respect anything
I do only respect humans and all living creatures.
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